I’m standing on the shoulders of giants this week – today, it is Ryan Revord.
The COVID-19 outbreak lies at the heart of this blog post. Recently, we were asked to scale up a Citrix deployment, shall we say, rather heavily, and indeed, rather rapidly. When you’re talking about adding three-figure percentages to your workloads, you need to plan for an unprecedented capacity increase.
First port of call was Citrix infrastructure, which all looked good. Next we looked at network capacity – again, plenty of headroom for the expected increase. And then we came to storage – and oh boy, the numbers looked heavy.
Storage issues
The environment in question was already using FSLogix Profile Containers. The main thought was – how big do we possibly expect the profile to get for each user? This is a very important consideration in every Profile Containers deployment, and it’s really impossible to tell without sending users into the environment to test it. There are of course maintenance routines to consider – shrinking, compacting, pruning, and (dare I say it?) exclusions – but this is all a matter for another post (coming soon!) In this environment, nothing had yet been put into place for maintenance purposes, so we had to have a look at existing users and try and take an educated guess at how much storage we potentially required for each user.
Most profiles were in the 5-10GB mark (Teams, it would appear, throws out 4.6GB of data every time it is run for the first time, although this might have been down to an erroneous Chocolatey package), but we had some outliers around the 20GB mark, and a very small number slightly above this. However, this didn’t take into account OneDrive data, which was also scheduled to be synchronised into the profile VHD. Looking at OneDrive usage gave us an average of around 8-10GB – so being cautious, we anticipated looking at 30-40GB per user.
When you’re talking about tens of thousands of users, this number gets very big, very quickly. Storage wasn’t an issue (this was a cloud-based deployment), but the volumes we could attach to the file servers were limited to 16TB each, and therefore we needed quite a sizeable amount of these volumes. There were cloud services we could have leaned towards to accommodate this, but they had not yet been cleared for usage within the environment, and were unlikely to anytime soon.
You could stand up Scale Out File Services clusters and essentially combine all these volumes into a SAN-like pool (Leee Jefferies has done some great stuff on this), but again, this wasn’t an option because it would involve architectural changes
The natural response to this problem is usually to front some DFS onto multiple shares, but several reasons prevented this – a) I hate DFS, b) there were authentication issues between the various domains in use and DFS would have exacerbated this, and c) directing users to DFS file shares seemed no more intelligent than simply directing them to a list of Windows file shares. The main problem we had was – what would happen when the first file share filled up? How would we direct users to the next one instead? The only way that it seemed possible to do this would be to use some sort of variable to direct subsets of users to particular file shares – but if something happened and one file share suddenly started using substantially more capacity than the others, we’d have to intervene and direct new users somewhere else.
It’s at this sort of time that you normally turn to the community to get a different perspective, and that’s where Ryan stepped in with a suggestion.
Powershell to the rescue!
Ryan had experienced a similar problem, and his response was simply to use a PowerShell startup script to iterate through a list of file servers and order them by their free disk space. This value would then be written to the FSLogix Registry value for VHDLocations. So technically, new users would *always* hit the file share with the most available space. Essentially, as long as the script was run often enough for the volume of new user onboarding, the profiles would be load balanced across the file shares. Here’s a diagram spelling out the process:-

When a user logs on, FSLogix iterates through the entire list of VHDLocations searching for an existing profile. If it finds one, fine. If it doesn’t find one, though, it is created in the first entry in the list – which would be the file share with the most available space.
For our environment, we were potentially onboarding thousands of users a day, so we had to run this as a Scheduled Task rather than a Startup Script. However, as long as the Scheduled Task was run with admin access (so it could write an HKLM value), this worked fine. Also, it is worth noting that the script (below) uses a Z: drive to query the free space – so be careful if you’re running it manually to make sure you don’t have a Z: drive mapped anywhere.
Permissions-wise, you need to make sure that you give Domain Computers (or at the very least the Citrix worker computer accounts) RX access to the root of the share so that you can determine free space. If running as a Scheduled Task, obviously this also needs to include the user the task is configured to run as.
Here’s the script – all that is needed is for you to populate the list of file share paths with your own, and it is ready to go! It populates both the Profile Containers and ODFC Registry values for VHDLocations, but if you don’t use both, it won’t make any difference – the unused one is just ignored. Big kudos to Ryan for his hard work on this!
##### Begin profile path ordering ####
$gb=(1024 * 1024 * 1024)
$tb=(1024 * 1024 * 1024 *1024)
# Share Array for stage values.....populate this array with all of the storage paths that can be addressed in the environment
foreach ($share in $profileShares) {
$nwobj=new-object -comobject WScript.Network
$drive=get-psdrive Z
$blah = [math]::Round($Drive.free / $gb)
$shareSpace = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name Share -value $share
$sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name freespace -value $blah
# remove network driveexcel
$test2 = $test | Sort-Object -Descending freespace | select share
foreach ($item in $test2) {
$orderedShares += $item.Share.ToString()
# set FSlogix share path:
# cleanup
if ((get-item -path $FSLogixProfilePath).GetValue($FSLogixKeyName) -ne $null) {
Remove-itemProperty -path $FSLogixProfilePath -Name $FSLogixKeyName -force
} else {
# do nothing, no key to delete
if ((get-item -path $FSLogixODFCPath).GetValue($FSLogixKeyName) -ne $null) {
Remove-itemProperty -path $FSLogixODFCPath -Name $FSLogixKeyName -force
} else {
# do nothing, no key to delete
# profile path
New-ItemProperty $FSLogixProfilePath -Name $FSLogixKeyName -Value $orderedShares -PropertyType MultiString -Force
# ODFC Path
New-ItemProperty $FSLogixODFCPath -Name $FSLogixKeyName -Value $orderedShares -PropertyType MultiString -Force
#debug values, show me sizes
New-ItemProperty $FSLogixProfilePath -Name "scriptDebug" -Value $test -PropertyType MultiString -Force
New-ItemProperty $FSLogixODFCPath -Name "scriptdebug" -Value $test -PropertyType MultiString -Force
##### END profile path ordering ######
The script should be run as required – Startup Script would be fine if your reboot schedule means that the amount of users you are onboarding in between reboots doesn’t potentially exceed the capacity of a single file share, otherwise run on a Scheduled Task. We have been running it every hour, as we are seeing up to two thousand users per day being onboarded (and our Citrix workers are never rebooted anyway).
The script also writes a handy extra value to the Registry key called scriptDebug which shows the disk space of all the target file shares last time it was run – really handy

So with this being run, our users are directed to any one of (in this particular case) twelve file shares of 16TB each. This can simply be added to by provisioning additional file servers and volumes and adding them to the list in the script, so their new capacity will be instantly utilized.

Of course, this doesn’t provide resiliency. There was no requirement here to provide resiliency, merely the capacity to absorb an unprecedented and exceptional uplift of user numbers. There is resiliency in terms of absorbing the loss of an Availability Zone, but only in terms of users being able to log on – the users in the AZ (or on that server, or file share) will still lose their profiles and have a new one created elsewhere.
If you do need resiliency for the profiles themselves then there are lots of options here (will hopefully cover some of them off in my upcoming blog post about FSLogix best practices). In this situation it simply wasn’t required, because the business didn’t want to have to pay the cost of the extra storage (doubling it on top of an inital 170TB+ increase can be a bitter pill to swallow). Besides, with OneDrive and Known Folder Move (blog post coming on this too!), it was felt that users would simply resync their data, Teams cache and Outlook cache and then put back any other minor customizations at their leisure. Not ideal for people like myself who like to provide a seamless, smooth roaming experience – but this was a risk that they chose to absorb.
So, Ryan has provided us with a nice simple way to spread users across multiple file shares in a quick and easy fashion, and to address the issue of each file share potentially filling up.
A lot of people will say “why not just use Cloud Cache”, but there are a number of reasons around this. Firstly, Cloud Cache replicates profiles rather than distributing them and we were primarily looking to split the load across the file shares rather than provide redundancy. Second is that in the past Cloud Cache has been very buggy and it is only in more recent releases that it has improved, so I was loth to hang a production environment on it based on past experience. It is also unclear how Cloud Cache deals with a file share being at capacity – as far as I know it looks for availability only, although I am open to being educated if I am mistaken. Also, local cache potentially could have given us a 300GB storage increase for each server that was deployed, and that again would be a cost implication that would be unpalatable.
For our purposes this has worked very well, however there are a couple of points to be aware of.
Firstly, if someone expands their profile massively they could still potentially fill the file share. We have set profiles to a limit of 100GB but obviously if many users suddenly underwent a huge increase we might have issues. We have to monitor the file shares carefully to keep an eye out for sudden profile size increases and potentially then prune and shrink them (Aaron Parker has some good articles on this, will also touch on it in an upcoming post).
Secondly, finding a user’s profile when they are one of a large number of file shares is a bit annoying and takes quite a while! To this end we are going to write an environment variable into the user profile with the name of the configured file share and display it using BGInfo to save us from this problem.
However, I have to say, that for use cases like ours, this has been a really good method to use. Hopefully some more of you out there may benefit from it, and huge round of applause due to Ryan Revord for developing this and sharing it – as I’ve said many times before, community rocks!
Why did you not use the group-sid based feature built into the product? No need for your startup script then!
Where is the sweet point on number of vhdx / users per share. We think we figured out 500..
Sorry, what feature are you referring to?
Oh you mean this – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/fslogix/configure-per-user-per-group-ht – this wouldn’t have helped in this situation, we would still have the overhead of managing the groups and where they map to and what happens when those shares reach capacity and having to move AD groups if we want to move the users. Easier simply to send each user to the least-loaded file share I think, in this case we’re just getting back towards splicing them like we have done before in UPM which just becomes a headache.
We have upwards of 500 on some file shares and not seeing any issues (nothing reported, anyway)
In fact now that you’ve said that we have 3231 on one file share. Whoosh!
Hi James,
With VHDLocations, there is to automatic replication of VHDs from primary location to all other secondary locations, correct? And even if we manage to replicate the VHDs, there is no seamless failover if the primary location is unavailable.
CloudCache provides both.
I have an upcoming project, almost finalized where I have pitched CloudCache to fulfilling all the requirements. So far I am positive but I am trying to find use cases where CloudCache was dropped out as a probable solution.
Thank you.
Using VHDLocations provides no replication, correct. However given that we would require another 70TB+ for replication, we have elected not to provide any replication. As for seamless failover – have you done it with CloudCache? Newest version may be better but I would advise testing.
However the main thing for me is – do you need absolutely seamless profile failover in a DR situation? If all the user data can be synced back, how much inconvenience is it to lose a profile (and map this against the storage requirements)? When you ask a business if they want to pay for hundreds of terabytes of extra storage so Brian in Accounts doesn’t have to reset his Outlook views and colour settings after an outage, are they going to say yes? For me, OneDrive with KFM is rapidly becoming a way to achieve this without the storage uplift. Seamless profile failover is probably not worth the effort (YMMV)
Thanks James,
Aaahh, had been looking for something similar for my upcomming solution for FSLogix. Had something similar in ming. But this script will make an easy way for me. ☺
Bad that Microsoft did not already address this with their product FSLogix.
However, I also am looking at option to get rid of OneDrive data getting dumped into user profile. This unnecessary will fill in the profile storage when the data is out there in one drive as well. I want to make use of File On demand to give user better experience but don’t want to retain data locally in the end just because it will be available on cloud as well. Why let my storage grow…
With Storage Sense enabled and correctly configured, you can avoid the profile filled up with local copy of OneDrive data.
We uses this in our Win 2019 RDS / FSLogix environment. You should also use one of the tools to shrink the .VHDX files.
Thanks Fredrik,
We had carved out a totally different solution to address our concern. using logoff scripts etc etc, which technically worked well – but had no blessings from Microsoft to support that. Understood from ther point of view. So yes Storage Sense was what they also suggested us. And i tested it and it works well. But there are still few things unaddressed.
a. Storage Sense will not be helpful in case a user uses “Always keep on this device” option for data downloaded from One Drive.
b. To control above, we looked out for options to grey out or remove this option from the right click itself. (Identified some registry settings that can do it, but that actually removes all options from One Drive including above – but again that will be on our own risk to use).
c. Other way that was suggested was to use attrib commands to un-pin the cached files that Storage Sense can’t help with, but again, this is not configurable anywhere in One Drive Client. Rather had to use custom script at logoff or so.
d. Even enabling Storage Sense for a computer, a user will still need to manually set the caching policy to least available 1 Day from default value of “None”. Again, we have to get help using a script to predefined this for a user as the entries/key is named with user’s SID. By the way we have Win10 1809 and Server 2019 1809 in prod and have to use GPP to define Storage Sense settings.
e. The least time duration that we can set for a Cloud storage dehydration threshold in Storage Sense is 1 day or 24 hrs. Assume a user dumping Gigs of data in One Drive local cache folder before leaving for his/her vacation. System will need to wait till user login back satisfying 24 hr duration for One Drive cache to get cleared up.
We are primarily looking to make use of One Drive with roaming profiles, may it be a Non-Persistent Desktop or Terminal Server shared desktops. Over all our aim is to automate and have full control on the data that a user potentially can dump into the profile cache. Having such capability withing One Drive client would really make sense.
As far as FSLogix is concerned, again it too has an additional overhead to plan disk shrinking/compressing. Recommendation is that disk should not be in use while shrinking. But, at least good thing that Microsoft is considering to add a feature to shrink the VDI’s on attach or detach.
Junaid Yaseen
Does the powershell script go on the virtual desktop template (Using Horizon View) as a scheduled task
You can put the script wherever you want. We run it from a network share, but you can just as easily run it from the local machine and deliver it from the template.
Hi James,
I’m just performing some testing using this script before rolling it out. I ran the script on one workstation and it worked and created the profile on the share with the most resource. Unfortunately it looks like its not detecting if a user currently has a profile.
VHD location is currently set through GPO and creates the users profile inside of folder called firstinital.surname.
When using the script i’ve noticed that it creates it with firstinitial.surname_SID. Could this possibly be why its not detecting that it currently has a profile and do you know how we can resolve this issue?
What format is the “current” profile in?
current profile is firstinitial.surname.
With script it is firstinitial.surname_SID
Have you got a custom SID pattern set via the FSLogix Registry values or GPOs?
We have swap directory name components set so this causes new containing directories to be named with the username first followed by the SID.
Is there a way to manipulate the script to do it in this way?
I’m a bit confused by this, as all the script does is set the VHDLocations to a setting ordered by disk space. It shouldn’t affect the naming pattern for the containers at all. The FSLogix agent is still creating the containers, it’s merely iterating through the list to find one to create it on.
I’d start by removing all customized FSLogix Registry entries and try again, especially any ObjectSpecific ones, if you have those configured. It sounds like something is either set incorrectly or being ignored.
I have a question that I think this script might address for me. A former engineer built the FXlogix container on a drive that is no filling up and we can no longer grow. I have about 300 users, so I am looking for a way to move the 3TB of profile to another location. GPO is handling the profile pointing to the current file server.
Do you know of a way to seamlessley migrate the profile data or atleast maybe introduce another location that data is copied too?
Cloud Cache?
Hi James,
I have a question regarding the script. The user logins, how does the machine know to reference the script?
Lets say we implement the script, will it create new accounts for those already existing accounts? Sorry I am very new to these things so apologies in advance for any confusion.
Many thanks
The script is a Startup Script, it does not run at logon. You can also run it as a Scheduled Task if you want.
When the script runs, it adjusts the Registry value so that a new user will get their profile created on the first share in the list. If a user logs in with an existing profile, FSLogix simply iterates through the listed shares in the Registry value until it finds the profile. So in answer to your question, no, a user with an existing profile container will always use that. A new one will only be created if it does not exist on ANY of the configured file shares.
How this script can be used with Cloud cache?
I am going to deploy Citrix VDIs on Azure for 10,000 users.
One subscription support only 2500 VDIs so will be using 4 different subscriptions.
One Azure file share support up to 100 TB so it can handle around 2500 users with 40 GB disk each.
All the 10,000 VDIs will be in same OU, how can i define multiple file shares for the users?
I know one way to create 4 different OUs or 4 different GPOs and link to Computer group but i am looking for best way to do it. Please assist.
We have implemented same script for two share for FSLogix and users are split between two share but we have seen duplicate profile folders on both share for same user. Not sure any one experience similar issue.
Also looking for possible config that might cause this kind of duplication of profile.